Best Wishes
What a great combo- our signature decorated sugar cookies plus our large delicious gourmet cookies in an assortment of flavors. Our basket comes wrapped in a cellophane bag and tied up with coordinating ribbon. Choose 1 or 2 decorated cookies and choose 1,2, or 3 dozen assorted gourmet cookies. If you want 1 decorated cookie, be sure to specify under special instruction which cookie you want. If you do not specify, we will do the message cookie.
Starting at $30.50
As Shown: $37.00
Wedding Bride and Groom
What a creative way to say Congratulations on a wedding or an engagement! Our wedding themed cookies are all contained in a heavy printed paper container.
Bridal Showers
Our delicious chocolate chip cookie cake with or without nuts is sure to impress all the guests. Please specify the color combination you would like under special instructions. Our cookie cakes are available in any design - use your imagination! Our cookie cakes are packaged in a box with a large colorful coordinating bow.
A beautiful silver and white wedding bouquet will be enjoyed by the couple or by everyone as favors or gifts. As with all of our bouquets, this can be any color combination.
Starting at $35.50
As Shown: $70.00